Sokoban 1984 online spielen

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The puzzle is usually implemented as a video game. Sokoban is a type of transport puzzle, in which the player pushes boxes or crates around in a warehouse, trying to get them to storage locations. Hiroyuki Imabayashi, Khaled Bentebal, Con Gilbert Thinking Rabbit, Spectrum HoloByte (1988) This game can be played also in a versions for SG-1000 and Ga­me Gear.

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If the game e­mu­la­ti­on spe­ed is low, you can try to in­cre­a­se it by re­lo­a­ding this pa­ge with­out a­ds or cho­o­se a­no­ther e­mu­la­tor from this table.

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For full­screen press 'Right Alt' + 'En­ter'. Game is con­trol­led by the same keys that are used to playing un­der MS DOS.

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